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Cambodia Outlook Conference 2023

Cambodia Outlook Conference 2023

The Cambodia Annual Outlook Conference, a flagship event of the CDRI since 2007, convenes leaders from government, business, and development sectors to discuss and shape policy directions on national issues. In 2022, our team built the conference website, and this partnership continued into 2023 for another exciting project. This case study delves into the challenges faced and the approach taken to create a new website for the Cambodia Outlook Conference 2023 with a refreshed design while maintaining the same website structure.

Cleint Name
Project Task

Website Design & Development


One of the primary challenges was refreshing the website’s design to align with the theme of “Cambodia Vision 2030 and Beyond” while keeping the same website structure as the previous year. This required creative design solutions to incorporate new elements and visuals that reflected the conference theme without compromising the existing functionality and user experience. Another challenge was integrating updated content related to the new theme seamlessly into the existing website structure. This involved reorganizing and presenting the content in a way that was engaging and informative, ensuring that attendees could easily access relevant information about the conference.


To address these challenges, we adopted a collaborative approach, working closely with CDRI to understand their vision for the website. We conducted multiple design iterations, incorporating feedback from CDRI to create a design that balanced the new theme with the existing structure. We also utilized a flexible content management system (CMS) that allowed for easy updating and management of website content, facilitating the integration of new information related to “Cambodia Vision 2030 and Beyond.” Additionally, we maintained open communication channels with CDRI throughout the project, providing regular updates on the progress and addressing any concerns promptly to ensure alignment with their vision for the website.

